Local 881

UFCW Local 881 is the “local” branch of the larger United Food and Commercial Workers union. It has filed a petition to represent team members at Tony’s Fresh Market stores. Here’s a look at the union’s spending and leadership.

Dues & Fees

Tony’s team members could pay over $1 million to local 881 per year.

$ 0
Tony’s team members could pay over $3 million to local 881 over the life of a 3-year contract.
$ 0

How may UFCW Local 881 spend your money?

Unions are required each year to file a document called an “LM-2,” which reports the union’s most recent financial flow. It also provides information on how the union collects and spends its members’ dues and fees. The following shows how UFCW Local 881 spent its money from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023, according to its LM-2 report.


Net Assets


Total Receipts


Total Disbursements

(breakdown below)

*Other: Contributions, Gifts and Grants; Strike Benefits; Fees, Fines, Assessment, etc.; Supplies for Resale; Loans Made; Repayment of Loans Obtained; To Affiliates of Funds Collected on Their Behalf; On behalf of Individual Members; Total Withheld But Not Disbursed; Source: 2024 Local 881 LM-2 Report